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Are Blockchain Based Digital Networks The Future of Social Media?

Things in the digital world are always upgrading. Innovators are always thinking about the next step and how to improve the user experience. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest have become household names and are the main social media channels we know of. However, even these brand-name giants are quickly trying to reinvent themselves. Why you may ask? Because the reality is other social channels are ahead of them in innovation.

That’s a tough claim to back up, but we’re prepared. In this article, we’ll be talking about digital network. An app launched in 2016 that was inspired by blockchain technology and incorporates cryptocurrency to give users the optimal experience. is an international IT company with 7 offices across the globe and a talented team of over 170 specialists. The company has a growing user base of over 500,000. is a visual-based social network powered by ME Token, the network’s cryptocurrency. One of the most important features is that the platform gives users full control over their data. Users are incentivized to create quality content by receiving rewards in ME Token, which can be used on’s marketplace (meMarket) or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.  

More and more, trends point to decentralization being the next step for social media. app is set up to reward users for content creation. By activating the Promo account users enable ads to be displayed to their subscribers. From here, users can earn up to 50% of the advertising revenue generated by the network. This is one of the many ways meNetwork is making social media fairer for all. Users receive monthly earnings on their meWallet. This internal wallet is built into every account and can be used to store, trade or exchange ME Token. Users also have the option of connecting their meWallet to an Ethereum wallet.

But that’s not all. The app has recently launched meMarket. This a marketplace on that lets users buy goods directly from their newsfeed, sell different products by simply posting items on their profile, rate the sellers they bought from, and ask questions about products and discuss shipment details with sellers directly. meMarket is not a separate product but rather part of the ecosystem. Network users automatically have access to the marketplace and can instantly make purchases or showcase products of their own when they join digital network.

Another unique feature of the app is that users can create and subscribe to magazines, which are online journals filled with content categorized by topic. Both magazines and individual posts trend and the most popular ones appear on the Hot list. Exposure here is great since it gives you a chance to attract even more subscribers.

Thus the platform creates an ecosystem where businesses, brands, and users benefit when they conduct transactions using ME Token. By any measure, this is a much fairer model of content monetization, especially when compared with older platforms.

Almost all traditional social media apps track user activity and sell the aggregated information, behavior, and habits to provide the highest bidder with better targeting for their advertising and marketing campaigns. Two years ago, one of the most popular traditional social media platforms brought in 9.32 billion dollars in advertising revenue and kept the profits to themselves.

No matter which way we look at it, blockchain based technology and decentralization is the future of many in many fields and especially in social media. Meaning there is no central organization or overseer controlling value. This, of course, gives a huge advantage to people who use these technologies since they are collective contributors to the product and have control over its value. In an industry like social media, where many users feel that they are being taken advantage of, this is a huge selling point. Try a crypto-based social network and check out the experience for yourself.

With, you can create original content, engage with your subscribers, enjoy all the benefits of social media, and earn in the process. If you share this vision for social media, make sure to check out the app. 



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